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Sustainability at every level

Sustainability and quality assurance

Sustainability has long been the cornerstone of Unimer’s work. We make sure our branches and suppliers respect human rights and have good work environments. Similarly, we work constantly to reduce our environmental impact in everything from production to distribution. For us, sustainability is also associated with optimised resource management and delivering the highest possible quality.

Our work focuses on:

  • The environment, occupational health & safety and human rights
  • Environmental legislation and regulations
  • Requirements for emissions and reduced fossil fuel consumption for hauliers
  • Ongoing quality processes that counter environmental impact from the operation
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Hållbarhet och kvalitet.

Unimer seeks to contribute to a cleaner world through the sustainable use of resources, where our carbon footprint is kept as low as possible.

Quality assurance

We work constantly to maintain the highest quality throughout the process, which is crucial for meeting the high standards demanded by our customers. We carry out rigorous inbound delivery inspections to assure quality, where each component is given its own inspection protocol following a successful outcome test to the customer. All measurements are carried out in our own test laboratory, where we also adapt the inspections to meet the customer’s specific requirements.

Kundanpassade lösningar.

Environmental impact

Our aim is to develop smart, end-to-end circular solutions to reduce waste and use fewer resources, while also creating value for more people. We constantly monitor our own environmental impact by measuring energy and water consumption. Also, we’re always looking for new ways to reduce costly waste. We reduce haulage emissions by developing our logistics, for example by consolidating deliveries and using carefully selected partners.


Our employees are Unimer’s most important resource. Providing good, fair working conditions where there are opportunities for personal and professional development is second nature to us. Because good working conditions are based on participation and open dialogues, which in turn create a safe, healthy sustainable workplace environment, we create the conditions for good dialogues and an open working climate where everyone feels safe talking about important matters.

Unimer - personal
Unimer - personal

Business ethics

With collaborative partners on several continents, we recognise a special responsibility for sustainability and fair play throughout the value chain. We apply a painstaking purchasing process and a carefully drafted Code of Conduct that ensures we conduct business in an ethically, socially and environmentally sustainable way at every level. This includes visits to suppliers and monitoring their processes.

Gender equality, equal opportunities and diversity

Unimer operates in a traditionally male-dominated industry. We promote healthy values internally in order to influence others over the long term and help create a society free from discrimination. We work proactively as an employer to prevent discrimination and ensure equality and diversity in our recruitment processes.

Unimer - personal


broschyr slangar för plastindustri

Kvalitets- och miljöpolicy (swedish)

broschyr slangar för träindustri

Quality- and environmental policy (english)


Certificate ISO 9001:2015


Certificate ISO 14001:2015



Any questions about Unimer, our products or services? Contact us!

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